GottaRunRacing Podcast
GottaRunRacing Podcast
GRR #42 CAROLINE WIEBE (Marathon Des Sables Part 2) GottaRunRacing

Caroline Wiebe, was inspired by Marathon Des Sables after reading a book by a previous finisher.

“I just thought I could never do that,” Wiebe said. After she started running ultramarathons eight years ago, she met a former winner of the event at a presentation, who convinced her that she could finish the MDS.

She wanted to compete at the Marathon des Sables to celebrate turning 50 but COVID threw that plan out the window.  She made it happen in 2022, finishing the 250k stage race in 55hrs.  We chatted with her about the challenges of training in Manitoba’s harsh winters for such a hot, dry race in the desert, her emotions on the start line and her most difficult stage when she ran out of water.  

Wiebe says some of her biggest challenges were keeping her feet in good shape (her years of nursing came in handy), staying hydrated, and being active with little rest.

Here is Caroline…

You can follow Caroline on Instagram here : caro4running


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